Tuesday21 January 2025

"Don't set a victory date: How to maintain motivation during wartime - Yuri Gudyimenko."

It is important to emphasize that we are currently fighting for survival, believes a Ukrainian blogger and veteran.
Не устанавливайте дату победы: советы по поддержанию мотивации во время войны от Юрия Гудыменко.

In 2022, our primary goal was to energize the people for a total fight. Why was this important? Because faith in victory is what keeps any country afloat during wartime.

However, more importantly, we could not tell people specific dates for victory. It’s simple: if you know that victory is still far off, many may feel tempted to "sit it out." This isn't just about joining the army or actively fighting. Instead, people might think, "Maybe I’ll wait it out? There’s still time; let others go."

Therefore, I always said: it is essential to believe in victory, but it is foolish to specify timelines. We must keep victory in our minds, while emphasizing that we are currently fighting for survival. And that word—survival!—should be used as often as possible because that is what we are fighting for.

The first thing we must do is survive and preserve Ukrainian statehood. Everything else, such as joining various alliances, becomes secondary. If we do not preserve the state, these details will lose their significance. So first—survival, and then we will deal with everything else.

Just like in business, in war one cannot rely on chance. Yes, "black swans" do happen; just think of Prigozhin and his march on Moscow. No military expert predicted that. Such events are possible in the future as well. What does this mean for us? Even if the Russians suddenly lose control of the front or Putin dies, we will need reserves. Reserves to sweep everything in our path and consolidate success. And these reserves are our homework. No one wants mobilization, but it is our prerequisite for survival.

My son is 10 years old, and he also dislikes doing homework. But it has to be done because it is part of education. The same goes here. We may not like mobilization, but it is the homework for the entire country. And we must complete it because without it, we simply won’t manage.

Many ask me how issues are resolved when talking to officials, deputies, and generals. Honestly? Big conversations don’t work. Only concrete actions work. You come with a clear, small problem and a ready solution.

You show: here is the problem, here is the change project, here is the action algorithm. And then there is a chance to change something. That’s how it works: gradually, with small steps. Only then can you achieve results.