The capital district has calculated the losses amounting to 6,168,521 UAH due to the pollution of state-owned land by household waste in the territory of the Hlevakha territorial community of the Fastiv district.
On February 5, 2025, state inspectors from the capital district conducted an inspection of the area causing environmental harm in the Hlevakha territorial community of the Fastiv district in Kyiv region, based on a report submitted through the electronic service #EcoThreat, on the state-owned land plot 7735 adjacent to the railway line.
Non-hazardous waste was discovered, specifically: household waste (mixed, including paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, wood, textile, metal, packaging, organic waste, similar in composition to household waste) and organic waste (waste from green plantings).
The unauthorized disposal of household waste has led to the pollution of state-owned land over an area exceeding 1,376 square meters, with an average height of up to 0.3 meters.
According to data from the publicly accessible State Land Cadastre, the cadastral number is 3221455300:01:069:0015, state property, intended for the placement and operation of railway transport buildings and structures, covering an area of 51.2838 hectares.
Inspectors have drawn up a report and determined the amount of damage caused by the pollution of land resources due to violations of environmental legislation in the territory of the Hlevakha territorial community of the Fastiv district in Kyiv region, on the land plot with coordinates 50.2825875, 30.3076719, 30 9:0015, amounting to 6,168,520.58 UAH.
Articles 96 and 211 of the Land Code of Ukraine stipulate the responsibilities of land users and liability for violations of land legislation, under which individuals and legal entities bear civil, administrative, or criminal liability in accordance with the law, particularly for such violations: damage to agricultural lands and other lands, pollution with chemical and radioactive substances; failure to comply with land use requirements in accordance with their designated purpose.
According to Article 56 of the Law of Ukraine "On Land Protection," the application of disciplinary, civil, administrative, or criminal liability measures does not exempt the guilty parties from compensating for the damage caused to land resources.
The materials of the inspection have been sent to the Fastiv District Police Department of the National Police in Kyiv region for consideration of the aforementioned circumstances and to make a decision on entering the information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations.