American scientists from Tulane University conducted a study on mice and discovered that a lack of protein in the diet can have long-term negative effects on the health of offspring, extending up to the fourth generation. The essence of the research was that the mice were fed low-protein food. This is reported by the Medical Xpress portal.

The following issues were observed in their offspring:

Lower birth weight: the newborn mice were smaller than usual. Smaller kidneys: the size of the kidneys in the offspring was also reduced. These characteristics are risk factors for the development of chronic kidney diseases and hypertension. The most significant problem was that even a change in the offspring's diet to a balanced one did not rectify the situation. Subsequent generations were still born with fewer nephrons – the essential filtration units of the kidneys that cleanse the blood of waste. Scientists explain this by noting that a protein deficiency in the first generation triggers a sort of genetic avalanche, the consequences of which are passed down. Even if later generations are well-nourished, they still inherit kidney issues. It is important to note that the negative impact was observed regardless of whether the mother or father had a protein-deficient diet in the first generation. This highlights the significance of balanced nutrition for both parents even before conception. Researchers plan to continue their studies to determine if similar effects are seen in humans.

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