He shared this on the program "Personality with Sergey Doiko".
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SubscribeAccording to the guest of the program, this is a complex issue, but it's unlikely that such an experience should be adopted. Yesterday, he recounts, 5 young boys, soldiers of the Israeli army, died in the Gaza Strip, and the day before that – another 5, this is the harsh reality that Israelis have learned to live with.
“By the way, I participated in a conference dedicated to prisoners, and the first thing I asked the human rights commissioner was how many prisoners of war there are in Ukraine. He said it was classified, and they couldn't disclose that information. I was quite surprised, as in Israel, every morning every broadcast starts with the number of hostages held by terrorists. So this is not an experience to adopt, but a reality that one has to live with,” explains Eduard Doks.
He also notes that during wartime, Israeli society becomes exemplary, everyone unites immediately, but as soon as peace returns, antagonism becomes very pronounced, for example, between Jews and Arabs, between Jews from different countries, between Russians and Moroccans, and between Romanians and Persians.
“When I arrived in Ukraine, I noticed that this was not the case here, and it's great, no one hates anyone. During the EuroMaidan, I saw how this began to be artificially instilled. But I want to say that even in Israel, we tell jokes about each other, but calling people with different opinions offensive names is prohibited, and that’s precisely because it could lead to civil conflict,” shares Eduard Doks.
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As reported by Zna.ua, Gallyamov stated that if Trump were willing to hand Ukraine over to Putin, he wouldn't need 100 days.
Zna.ua also reported that Bortnik discussed whether Putin could speak with Trump and Zelensky from a position of strength.