This was shared by him on his blog.

“Ultimately, Winston Churchill is attributed with the words that only a fool does not change their views when necessary. Thus, altering one’s policy and acknowledging past mistakes is a virtue. In the case of Donald Trump, we see this happening. He has already stated that he does not recall when he referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a dictator and generally claims that Zelensky is one of the best presidents Ukraine has had. In other words, the language used has become complimentary,” notes Aleksandr Musienko.

Therefore, he concludes, such changes should be welcomed, especially since there will be a meeting between Zelensky and Trump, even though there were issues with the U.S. regarding this. As the expert shares, media reported that the White House asked Zelensky not to come, and Zelensky called Macron, who then reached out to Trump, resolving the issue.

“Trump’s evolution of thought from the idea of 24 hours needed to end the war, which he mentioned during the election campaign, to now stating that this war will either end quickly or never at all. Well, it has been about 2-3 months, in fact. So now the American president emphasizes that this war can either end swiftly through compromise or drag on for a very long time,” emphasizes Aleksandr Musienko.

According to the expert, it is important to understand that the rhetoric of the U.S. president can change, so it is essential to engage with our strategic partner while also keeping national interests in mind. Therefore, he states, there is already support from the U.S. regarding the placement of European peacekeepers in Ukraine and Trump’s statement about aiding Ukraine in the de-occupation of territories, which has evidently been facilitated by the agreement to sign the rare earth metals deal.

As reported by, Karasev stated that this agreement on rare earth metals signifies the end of the war in Ukraine for America. also wrote that Musienko explained why Trump needs Russia: “I find it strange to hear about…”.