He discussed this on his blog.

As the expert notes, if we overlay the election results map of the Bundestag, where the pro-Russian "Alternative for Germany" won in some regions and the CDU/CSU in others, onto the map of East and West Germany, we will see they precisely mirror each other.

“Where the 'Alternative for Germany' won is East Germany. Even in the middle of this East Germany, there is a small hole. What is it called? Who remembers Soviet maps? West Berlin. West Berlin was not part of East Germany; it was a special territorial entity. West Berlin also, of course, voted for the CDU/CSU, not for the 'Alternative for Germany'. In total, East Germany voted for the 'Alternative for Germany', meaning the neo-fascists, while West Germany voted for the CDU/CSU. Why? Because there was no denazification,” explains Mikhail Sheitelman.

The expert reminds us that in West Germany, the Americans conducted a serious denazification process; they forced Germans to dig up Holocaust victims, watch films about shootings and gas chambers. There was not just the Nuremberg Trials; there were many, and all were prosecuted. There was a ban on Nazis working in certain professions, and so on, but this did not happen in East Germany. Hence, he notes, Hungary and Slovakia are electing neo-fascists to power, as they also did not undergo denazification.

“Therefore, the only way to establish real peace is the denazification of Russia. This means re-education of Russians, which should be conducted by the civilized world. They should be made to dig up victims in Mariupol. For instance, bring actor Evgeny Mironov, who came to the theater to talk about how they will now stage a play on the corpses of children, give him a shovel, and let him dig up the bodies of women and children in the Mariupol theater, who were hiding there and were killed by a Russian pilot. And the Russian pilot should go there too,” concludes Mikhail Sheitelman.

As reported by ZN.ua, Karasev stated that the conflict between Trump and Zelensky needs to be resolved urgently, as only Ukraine will suffer as a result.

ZN.ua also wrote that Musiienko became one of the key speakers at the round table "Ukraine 2025".