He reported this on his Facebook page.
“The service itself is a crucial part of the defense forces. The State Emergency Service (SES) is restoring the destroyed infrastructure and carrying out the main volume of humanitarian demining in liberated territories. This includes hundreds of thousands of hectares of already cleared cities, villages, and lands. Hundreds of rebuilt bridges and other structures. By the way, after the liberation of Kyiv region, the SES units directly participated in the restoration of the area. They effectively reestablished communications with the capital and revitalized life around Kyiv,” Tkachенко stated.
He reminded that the SES consists of military personnel who bear the full burden of the war.
They operate even in combat zones: setting up pontoon crossings, constructing defensive structures, engaging in anti-drone warfare, and protecting strategic transport facilities.
During a meeting with the head of the SES, Major General Oleksandr Yakovets, they discussed key issues. One of them is the lack of modern demining equipment.
Anti-drone technologies, robotic modern systems for demining, and everything that can protect and ensure safety are essential. We can seek partnerships abroad, or we can create conditions for manufacturers ourselves. Kyiv has the potential to be a center for such innovations. We are already working to attract the security sector for their implementation,” the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration mentioned.
Timur Tkachенко also reported that he, together with the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Mykola Kalashnykov, conducted an inspection of the collection point for military personnel at the Kyiv city and regional recruitment centers.
Preliminary complaints had been received regarding the unsatisfactory condition of the shelter in the area where recruits should go during an air raid.
Last year, funds from the city budget were allocated for the restoration of one of the shelters. Therefore, it is important to understand whether all planned work has been completed and whether the quality of repairs is satisfactory.
One of the two shelters has been well renovated and equipped with modern ventilation systems. It has everything necessary for the comfortable stay of personnel in case of threats. Additionally, part of the funds was allocated to create conditions in the food block, arrange the barracks, and administrative buildings.
The shelter that received complaints is indeed in poor condition. We will change this. Furthermore, we plan to improve the second barrack for the accommodation of military personnel.
It is important to realize that the conditions encountered by a future soldier at the collection point shape their first impression of the military and influence their personal motivation.
Therefore, in collaboration with the head of the collection point, we defined the sequence for addressing urgent needs. Currently, the priority is the repair of the shelter, because safety is the most important thing,” Timur Tkachенко wrote.