Historically, it would be just to exchange the EXECUTIONERS of Ukraine for our HEROES.
From the EXECUTIONER Peter the Great to Vladimir the BLOODY Putin:
historical lessons for the fighting Ukraine.
“This is the first one who crucified
our Ukraine,
And the second one finished
off the widow and orphan.
Kati! Executioners! Cannibals!
Both have feasted,
Both have stolen; but what did they take
with them to the afterlife?
After years of debate and the shameful, at times bizarre arguments from officials, the so-called Peter the Great finally leaves the public space of Poltava.
And here I read that seemingly conscious people are shedding tears over the lack of aesthetics in the process of cleansing the public space of Ukrainian Poltava from Russian murderers and executioners of our people.
I remind you that the so-called Peter the Great is the true historical teacher of the terrorist Putin. He taught Russian haters of Ukrainians how to destroy Ukrainians who strive to live freely and happily on THEIR, GOD-GIVEN LAND. For before Bucha, Mariupol, and Kremenchuk, there was Baturyn, where the Russian executioners of Peter killed around 14 thousand people and destroyed 20 churches along with a monastery. Over 30 thousand were impaled, quartered, tortured on the wheel, hanged, burned…
Let me remind you how one of the French publications described this “Baturyn massacre”:
“All the residents of Baturyn, regardless of age or gender, were slaughtered, as prescribed by the inhumane customs of the m@scal… All of Ukraine was bathed in blood.”
Moreover, during the time of mourning for the so-called “first one who crucified Ukraine” by the Little Russians of Poltava and Kyiv:
- in 1709, a blow was dealt to Ukrainian education: at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, out of several thousand students, only 161 were allowed to leave, and the best teachers were taken to Moscow;
- in 1713, under Peter, the predominantly Finno-Ugric and Turkic Moscow was renamed to “Russia,” stealing our history and our name “Rus”;
- between 1720-25, tens of thousands of Ukrainians died during the construction of Peter’s new capital;
- in 1722, the Little Russian Collegium was established, and the idea of Ukrainian Independence was buried for a long time…
And finally, to the pupils of tobacco merchants in ministries, departments, city authorities, Moscow churches, and their supporters, who, after the daily destruction and casualties caused by the Russian horde of executioner Peter and terrorist Putin, continue to lament for the “One, Holy Rus” and “great Russian culture” of Peter the Great:
“The raging, drunken, decayed BEAST infected with SYPHILIS destroys people for a quarter of a century, executes, burns, buries alive, imprisons his wife, indulges in debauchery, engages in sodomy…
He himself, amusing himself, beheads, blasphemes, travels with a cross made of wooden blocks resembling reproductive organs and imitations of the Gospels - he glorifies Christ with a box of vodka…
Crowns his whore and her lover, ruins Russia, executes his son, and dies from syphilis, and not only do they fail to understand his atrocities, but they still do not cease to glorify the virtues of this MONSTER, and there is no end to all sorts of MONUMENTS erected to him…”
Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy, Moscow, 1936, Volume 26, pages 568-569.
And so, reading all this cotton-ized Russian trash about the lack of aesthetics and scientific justification in cleansing the public space of our warring State from the infamous executioners, I am convinced that
There is no need to keep them in our museums.
It would be better and fairer to return them to their historical homeland, exchanging them for our HEROES, who are still held captive by a land of barbarism, looting, and terrorism.